One monthly fee. No deductible.
How does membership work?
The Practice provides several different plans that you can choose from. All plans require a one-year contract.
Is there a waiting period?
No. There are no pre-existing condtions, and you can become a member right away.
How do I become a member?
Select one of the three plans below and contact our office. Download our intake forms here to get a head start on the process.

Plans and Pricing

When you join The Practice, you will find that it is a different kind of medical practice than you have ever been a part of before. We have two plans from which to choose.

Discounts are available for families and businesses.

Tier 3 • Premium Plan

for one individual
  • Unlimited Access to the Doctor
  • No Fee for Counseling for conditions such as stress, grief, depression, anxiety, drug & alcohol, relationship & pain management
  • Reduced Fees for in Office Procedures and Studies
  • EKG’s with $15 co-pay
  • Routine urine analysis
  • In-Office Urgent Care Procedures w/ co-pay of $60 for Sterile Tray
  • Casting and suturing for $60
  • Access to Bio-Identical Hormone replacement treatment for men and women
  • Standard lab work $70 for males, $65 for females
  • Pap & Pelvic $15
  • All patients on a controlled substance must be on Tier 3
  • Pathology & Imaging services are billed seperately.  In office services are subject to additional fees.  

We Offer Two Payment Options:

  1. Pay monthly using an automatic withdrawal from your bank debit card, credit card, or checking account.
  2. Receive a 5% discount on your plan when you pay for 1 year in full.